Tuesday, December 23, 2014

All aboard the hot mess express...

What a couple weeks its been! We have been so busy I feel like we haven't been able to slow down....and its caught up with us! :(
Dominick started loosing his voice on Sunday afternoon at Parker's birthday party (which I totally forgot to take pictures of, fail!) and we didn't think much of it at the time. He was running around and playing so that's what I figured was going on.
Well on the way home he fell asleep in the car which he does not normally do & it resulted in him waking up crying his throat hurt. We got home and gave him a hot steam bath and then got him ready for bed. Did a nebi, vicks on his chest & piggies, turned the vaporizer on in his room and tucked him in. He kept waking up with this awful cough and crying.
Around 10pm I took him out into the living room and he was trying not to swallow because his throat hurt, poor kid was a mess. Then I noticed his breathing, not good at all. So off he went to the pediatric emergency room with daddy. A shot of steroids and he was on the mend, turns out my little man SOMEHOW (I still haven't figured it out) managed to get croup!
Next up, The daddy...Giovanni had been sick for a few days and finally caved in and went to Urgent Care today. He has what they think is bronchitis!
And next is Aidan, he has eye teeth coming in which I'm hoping is the reason for his runny nose & cough but we will see...I'm thinking he is coming down with something too!
I am the only one who has been feeling okay! I had a bit of sore throat last night but I think its from the heat being on. Other than that I hope to keep it that way! :)
So now I am crossing my fingers and toes that everyone is feeling better for Santa!!!
I'll be back later this week with a recap on our girls day trip to NYC, Christmas & what we have been up to lately!
Merry Christmas Friends!! :)
Until next time,
xo Jessica 

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