So Happy Monday! :) Half of these pictures were supposed to post last week....and when I checked the blogger app on my phone realized that it had saved as a DRAFT so here we are.... :)
These pictures in no particular order are what we have been up to lately!
Enjoy :)

I chopped off ALL my hair!

A little bonfire with friends to keep things warm....

It was WAY too sunny for a picture #mommatried

Dominick LOVES his Uncle John! He just got back from a month in Germany and to say Dominick missed him was an understatement, he pretty much didn't leave his side!

This boy turns TWO next month and his smile melts my momma heart <3

The deer this season keep coming down the hill and eating in my neighbor's yard.

Dominick had been begging for a guitar for months because he said he needed it to sing. I promised him if he kept up his good behavior and listening he could have one. He sings with it all the time and it was so worth it! :) Here he has his lovies (he only takes these to bed) on his head and arm to help him look "COOL"

Practicing our CHEESE face for school pictures! :)

I attempted homemade french onion soup & it came out GREAT! :)

One afternoon we tried potty training on the insisting of a little boy, turns out hes not quite ready yet ;)

Sunday Snuggles!


Going up in the ladder truck with Daddy! Dominick is in there too but you cant see him because the sides are high :)

We love us some books in the P house :)

This boy is doing AWESOME in hockey this year and we couldn't be more proud!
Until next time friends,
XO Jessica
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