Wednesday, April 1, 2015

April Goals

How is it April 1st already?!
HOWEVER- this means spring is coming! So if it must be April 1st bring on the good weather!
Time to get to this months goals :)
Spiritual: Get going on Jesus Calling, this needs to be done this month. God obviously knows me well, he and  talk often and he knows where my head & heart are at lately but I really feel a daily devotional will help me.
Marriage: Keep up the once a month date nights with my hubby. I really love the 1:1 time that we rarely get. Its so needed.
Mommyhood: I want to have a day date with each of my son's this month too. I think its important to spend a little time with them each and have it be special mommy & son time!
Friendships: Lastly, continue to make time to do things with my friends, they are people I talk to daily & spending time with them is important to me too.
Health: I joined weight watchers recently and it was a decision I feel really great about. THIS BABY WEIGHT HAS GOT TO GO! In order to be a better wife & mommy I really need to feel good about me, this is my first step.
Home: we have a lot of projects on the list to get done this month, these MUST get done!
Financial: set a solid budget this month and stick to it.
Personal: take some time for me! I often put everyone's needs before my own and I have to make some time to focus on myself... happy wife happy life, right?! ;)  
I love a new month & a fresh start :)

Until next time friends,
XO Jessica

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